Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Looking for all of our D&D content in one place?
This is the page for you. Here you’ll find all of our D&D reviews, DM tips specific to 5th Edition and D&D Side Quests.

D&D/Mork Borg Mashup: Charnel Bridge
Show of hands: Who loves (or has played) Mork Borg? If you’re not familiar with the game, Mork Borg is a “rules-light”, Old School Renaissance
Tier 2 D&D Modron Adventure: Time is a Construct
We’re back with another Side Quest! This time I’m showing some love to the misunderstood mechanical minions of Mecanus: Modrons! I wanted to try something

Tier 2 D&D Adventure: Beware the Crimelock
Woah look out, Side Quests are back, baby! As a quick primer, I started a new job with WizKids earlier this year, and while I

Ten Planar D&D Encounters
Hey everyone! It’s been a hectic few weeks for us: the holidays kept us busy, I turned my focus towards finishing the third Wild Beyond

Ten Festive D&D Encounters
‘Tis the season to play tons of TTRPGS! The weather outside might be frightful, but at least inside we have dice and good company (and

Quickie Map: Dungeon of Doubt
Things are quite busy in our neck of the woods! We just released the 2nd Chapter of our Wild Beyond the Witchlight map pack (more

Free Fizban’s Dragon Adventure: The Dragonmaw Altar
Dragons are so hot right now thanks to the release of the newest D&D book “Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons”. It’s surprising to see how much

10 Spooky D&D encounters
It’s been a bit, but I’m back! I’ve been hard at work on the newest map pack for Wild Beyond the Witchlight! I’ll talk a

Design-A-Dungeon Challenge: Forbidden Knowledge
I’m back with another simple random dungeon for September’s Design-A-Dungeon Challenge! The rules are basically the same – consult the random dungeon generator in the

D&D Hit Point Homebrew Rules
I’m always of two minds about homebrew rules for D&D. On the one hand, the designers had a specific playstyle in mind to showcase 5E’s

Free Level 9 D&D Encounter: Grim Tidings
Goblinoids get a bad rap in most D&D games. Goblins mostly exist as fodder for low-level dungeons or expendable minions for more powerful creatures. Bugbears

Ten Random D&D Encounter Ideas
There’s always a chance that a party makes a decision so unexpected that even experienced DMs need to stop to figure out what’ll happen next.

Free D&D Underdark Adventure: Abbey of the Reflecting Mind
Like most burgeoning D&D fans, I read a lot of R.A. Salvatore’s Drizzt series growing up. His evocative descriptions of the alien environments composing the

Dodge sneaky snakes and snake-y people in our free yuan-ti adventure: The Ophidian Lord!
I like to consider myself pretty well versed in Dungeons & Dragons lore, but there’s definitely a few blind spots for me. I can’t begin

How to use tools in D&D crafting recipes
I tend to forget about tools and tool proficiencies whenever I play D&D, both as a player and as a DM. Rarely does a

Add some horror to your D&D session with these three free Gothic Lineage NPCs
As a DM, I often spend time writing up NPC “catalogues” that I can insert into just about any situation. Need a spoiled aristocrat?

Survive a haunted windmill in our free Spooky D&D one-shot: The Riven Windmill
I’ve been in a bit of a spooky mood recently, thanks to Resident Evil 8 and Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft coming out, not to

Enter an interdimensional D&D magic shop with this week’s Side Quest: The Sanctum Emporium
How many times has locating a store become an encounter of its own? In this week’s free D&D Magic shop Side Quest, adventurers can stumble

Three free D&D NPCs: Dragonborn
Of all the races in the Player’s Handbook, I think I was most dissatisfied with the Dragonborn. While playing as humanoid dragons is pretty

Explore collapsed tunnels with this week’s free dungeon encounter: Buried Archives
I want to try something a little different with today’s free dungeon encounter. Normally, I write up a little narrative to explain the “why’s” and

Rime of the Frostmaiden Map Pack
It’s been a little while since I released anything on DM’s Guild, but with the recent publication of Icewind Dale – Rime of the

Quick D&D Dungeon Encounter: The Baffling Basement of Bertie Bigglesby
It’s the first Side Quest of the new year! What better way to spend it than by taking a rat-clearing job from an elderly

Get delving with this free D&D mini Dungeon: Spellzog’s Danger Emporium!
Do you keep a dream journal? I tend to keep my note app ready for the random chance I’m struck by inspiration past midnight.

Want to give your players a challenge? Use Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything for D&D 5e Hard Mode
Are you wanting to change things up for your party and make things a little more challenging? Maybe you want to take a break from

Short D&D One-shot: Presti-sanitation
Hi-diddly-ho, adventurinos! I felt inspired this week to do a short d&d one-shot Side Quest focusing on oozes and alternate dimensions that can be